The service uptime is sometimes ignored by many people as they are searching for a new hosting provider, but it can often be much more significant than the actual plan attributes. It won't matter how good a plan is if the websites hosted in the account are unavailable for extended periods. This type of downtimes are often penalized by search engines like google, not mentioning the fact that site visitors will most likely not revisit a web site they experience issues with. For that reason, it is important to check the stability of the web hosting service before getting a new account so as to be sure that the prosperity of your Internet sites will not be determined by third-party variables, but entirely on their content and on your advertising and marketing campaigns.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Hosting
Using a hosting account through our company, you'll be able to enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We have practically wiped out the downtime since we use a state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform and we do not handle everything on one server as most service providers do. Rather, we run each service on a separate cluster of web servers, so your files, e-mail messages, databases, etc, will be handled by different web servers. In this way, we can also balance the load considerably more efficiently and ensure the stable functioning of your Internet sites at all times. The availability of the servers is guaranteed by a couple of backbone Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators, so your internet sites are going to be functioning no matter what. We also have admins monitoring the web servers 24x7, which includes weekends & holidays, and they'll take care of any unanticipated issue that may show up.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting
If you acquire a dedicated server through us, we guarantee that it will be operational a minimum of 99.9% of the time. For a start, your server is going to be constructed with new and meticulously tested hardware components and we will not do any compromises about it. Our data center in downtown Chicago has powerful diesel backup generators, so in the case of an outage your web server will still be operational and with several redundant Internet service providers, your websites will be available if there's any connection difficulty. In the event of any unanticipated conditions, we've got well-trained system administrators that keep an eye on all hosting servers constantly and they can react instantly to eliminate the problem in a very timely manner. Last but not least, our servers have software and hardware firewalls to prevent the undesired traffic when it comes to a DDoS attack.